Whiteness a strategic rhetoric pdf file

Rhetoric and practice of strategic reward management. Lecture on main ideas of the whiteness as a strategic rhetoric 2. Reading, writing, and the rhetorics of whiteness routledge studies in rhetoric and communication ryden, wendy, marshall, ian on. Alternatively, you can download the file locally and open with any standalone pdf reader. Themes of whiteness in bulletproof monk, kill bill, and the. In this volume, ryden and marshall bring together the field of composition and rhetoric with critical whiteness studies to show that in our postrace era whiteness and racism not only survive but actually thrive in higher education.

Wendy ryden and ian marshalls reading, writing, and the rhetorics of whiteness is a difficult book, but an important one for scholars interested in rhetoric, whiteness studies, and basic writing. Summary of whiteness theory audrey thompson whiteness as a normalized category whiteness theory treats whiteness not as a biological category but as a social construction. The province of rhetoric has been changing and extending. Dec 21, 2016 although whiteness studies has been waning as an active research field for the past decade, the contributors to rhetorics of whiteness assert that it hasnt lost its relevancy because racialized whiteness and issues of systemic racism persist in american society and culture today. Whiteness studies is the study of the structures that produce white privilege, the examination of what whiteness is when analyzed as a race, a culture, and a source of systemic racism, and the exploration of other social phenomena generated by the societal compositions, perceptions and group behaviours of white people. Discusses some of the rhetorical strategies through which whiteness resecures its discursive space and concludes with three aspects of reflexivity that offer directions for. Towards a bibliography of critical whiteness studies. Studies how does one become white through discourse. This mapping of the discursive space, or territory, of whiteness is the first step in the process of exposing whiteness as a rhetorical construction. Discursive strategy that maintains whiteness as normal and others as different. Insofar as whiteness is thought of as natural, it is understood in essentialized terms either as a personal attribute or as a scientific category. Whiteness is a standpoint, a place from which white people look at themselves, at others, at society.

Critical rhetorics of raceadvances our understanding of the everpresent nature of racism, whether in its malevolent overt expression, or in its more insidious covert guise, often masquerading via claims of its absence. The notion of eloquence may even drop out, and the art may consist merely in the clear and effective use of language to convey ideas. Whiteness and cultural theory san jose state university. But though it lacks a true essence, whiteness is a locus of social goods, in itself legal property harris, 1993, so quotidian as to be imperceptible in the way it. While scholars have added valuable contributions to the study of whiteness, the discussion of the strategic rhetoric still lacks examples of embodiment. A critical autoethnographic tale of a strategic rhetoric. A strategic rhetoric framework is used to expose those strategies that define and preserve the centrality of whiteness in american martial arts films. Introduction when i teach heart of darkness, i often introduce students to chinua achebes wellknown an image of africa, an essay in which achebe denounces conrad as a thoroughgoing racist and dismisses his liberal ideology with its effective erasure of africa. A pdf copy of this bibliography also will be available for.

The politics of place and presidential rhetoric in the united states, 18751901. When men had to be persuaded and convinced in public assemblies, as in ancient greece and rome, rhetoric was cultivated as the art of eloquent speech. Explores the territory of whiteness in order to map the discursive space it occupies, as the first step in the process of exposing whiteness as a rhetorical construction. Basic rhetoric and writing strategy rhetoric is generally defined as the art of persuasion. In this essay, we explore the territory of whiteness in order to map the discursive space it occupies. The contributions to the handbook represent a broad range of topics. While thinkers and scholars have debated the merits of various rhetorical strategies over the past few thousand years, some basic principles have remained constant since the earliest greek philosophers began studying oration and argumentation.

Reading, writing, and the rhetorics of whiteness routledge. Communication scholars have often overlooked the importance of whiteness as an influence in their research. Potter towson university, towson, maryland, usa nakayama and krizecks essay, a strategic rhetoric of whiteness offers an understanding of whiteness as cultural praxis operating beyond the narrow understanding of mere skin color. A critical autoethnographic tale of a strategic rhetoric jennifer e.

The metaphor of faces of whiteness is adopted here to signify that individuals occupy particular stances toward white privilege and its consequences in a dynamic and nonlinear fashion. Accordingly all men make use, more or less, of both. Dec 10, 2010 a fascinating read for those of us who are not familiar with this stream, as well as for those wellversed in the discipline. Pdf communication scholars have often overlooked the importance of whiteness as an influence in their research. Communication rhetoric major university of pittsburgh. Strategy definition example ethos illustrates a persons morals or character. We conclude with three aspects of reflexivity that offer directions for further research. It really isnt about you the handbook of critical intercultural. Aristotle the art of rhetoric 4 rhetoric is the counterpart of dialectic. The rhetorical study of whiteness coalesced around thomas k. Let us now try to give some account of the systematic principles of rhetoric itself of the right method and means of succeeding in the object we set before us. The torpified face represents individuals who are stunned by new realizations and rising guilt regarding race.

Essentially, rhetoric is using available resources to enact a purpose or telos through spoken or written communication. This document presents the federal go vernments fiveyear strategic plan for stem e ducation, based on a v ision for a future where all americans will have lifelong access to highquality stem. Our faculty offer diverse perspectives on the role of communication, media, and rhetoric in our lives through courses such as persuasion, argument, interpersonal communication, political rhetoric, rhetoric of science, nonverbal communication, history of media, media criticism, and television and society. Foundations of whiteness whiteness and beyond philip c wander, judith martin and thomas nakayama sociohistorical foundations of whiteness and. Discusses some of the rhetorical strategies through which whiteness resecures its discursive space and concludes with three aspects of reflexivity that offer directions for future research.

The other is more practical, with an emphasis on knowing how to construct a good strategy. Jan 01, 2017 this article features pushback as a rhetorical and ethical pedagogical posture for engaging whiteness in the tight space of the university elevator. Civil rights rhetoric and the american presidency pp. In addition, it outlines how the racialized space of the historically white institutions renders the ways faculty women of color such as myself exercise pedagogical care and teacherly ethos. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. If you do not see its contents the file may be temporarily unavailable at the journal website or you do not have a pdf plugin installed and enabled in your browser. Nov 11, 2011 recommended choice wendy ryden and ian marshalls reading, writing, and the rhetorics of whiteness is a difficult book, but an important one for scholars interested in rhetoric, whiteness studies, and basic writing.

With the influx of whiteness literature into the cultural studies scene, this essay. It is an eclectic and intricate set of musings on writing pedagogy, culture, and race, and it is this eclecticism that both challenges. Aristotle the art of rhetoric 9 moral purpose, a dialectician in respect, not of his moral purpose, but of his faculty. Bibliography includes bibliographical references and index. Rhetorical devices many different rhetorical devices are available to writers. Rhetoric would thus come to mean the principles of composition or essay writing.

Both alike are concerned with such things as come, more or less, within the general ken of all men and belong to no definite science. Taking a stand against racism, as these chapters do, requires a clear. Exploring the white victim identity in postapartheid south africa this study explores whiteness through a rhetorical analysis of the language used in a speech made at a red october campaign rally in south africa in october, 20. The present study utilizes a modified form of nakayama and krizeks 1999 strategic rhetoric framework, extending its application beyond individual discourse to film. We then discuss some of the rhetorical strategies through which whiteness resecures its discursive space. In other words, any one facet of a text can be logical, a narrative, and show confidence simultaneously. Introduction thomas k nakayama and judith n martin whiteness as the communication of social identity reflections on critical whiteness studies parker c johnson part one. Nakayama and krizecks essay, a strategic rhetoric of whiteness offers an understanding of whiteness as cultural praxis operating beyond the narrow understanding of mere skin color. Postracial hauntings in popular culture, social media, and education, contributors reveal how identifications with racialized whiteness continue to manifest themselves in american culture. Invention in rhetoric and composition ties together some of our most ancient and modern thinking, it is especially fitting that this book initiates the reference guides to rhetoric and composition, which will attempt to bring together the wide range of learning applicable to learning to write at all levels of education and in all settings.

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